Superwool Paper Superwool Plus and HT Paper

Superwool paper is an insulating product made from Superwool fibre bound with a small percentage of organic binders. The paper has excellent thermal toughness and exceptional performance properties. Very flexible and tear resistant, Superwool Plus is particularly suited to all applications that require further processing.
Classification temperature:fjfyg
Superwool HT 1300 °C
Superwool Plus 1200 °C
Superwool HT Superwool plus Classification temperature oC 1300 1200 Typical physical properties Color white Density kg/m³ 210 190-210 Tensile strength MPa >0,45 >0,65 High temperature usage Roasting loss % 8 8 Constant linear shrinkage 1000oC % – < 2 Constant linear shrinkage 1300oC % < 2 – Thermal conductivity (ASTM C201) at average temperature: 200 oC W/m.K 0,04 – 260 oC W/m.K 0,06 0,06 400 oC W/m.K 0,07 – 538 oC W/m.K 0,06 0,06 600 oC W/m.K 0,10 – 816 oC W/m.K 0,15 0,15 982 oC W/m.K – 0,19 1000 oC W/m.K – 0,23 1100 oC W/m.K 0,22 – 1200 oC W/m.K 0,25 –
Superwool paper is available on rolls packed in cardboard boxes.
Thickness mm
Width mm Length (m)
1 500, 610, 1000, 1220 40 2 20 3 15 4 10 5 10 6 10 7 10 8 10 9 10 10 10