Saffil Paper 1600

Unifrax 1600 Saffil ® paper is made from high purity polycrystalline wool blended with specially selected organic binders to provide flexibility. This high-temperature paper can be exposed to temperatures up to 1600 °C, has excellent chemical resistance and is practically free of “shot” (unfiberised particles). Advanced production techniques ensure a highly uniform structure and low thermal conductivity. Saffil Papers are available in a range of thicknesses and roll sizes.
General Characteristics
- High temperature stability (up to 1600 °C)
- Resistance to chemical attack
- Good handling strength
- Excellent flexibility
- Easy to wrap, cut and shape
Chemical composition (%)
AI2O3 90
SiO2 8
Trace 2
C 0.24 Permanent Linear Shrinkage (%) 24 Hour Soak
Colour White
Product Density (kg/m3) 140 – 200
Classification Temperature (°C)* 1600
Loss on Ignition (wt. %) ∼7
Thermal conductivity (W/mK)
Mean Temp. 600°C 0,16
800°C 0,2
1000°C 0,24
C 0.24 Permanent Linear Shrinkage (%) 24 Hour Soak 1600°C <4.0
550 19
550 19
550 19