Gasket SheetTEMASIL NG

A new generation high quality material based on a blend of special heat resistant fibres and other fillers bound with NBR rubber. The gasket sheet is easy to cut due to its flexibility and smooth surface.
Universal, environmentally friendly gasket sheet, suitable for most media. The plate can be used in wide petrochemical, oil, chemical, food and machinery industries.
Certificates: DNV-GL, DVGW, BAM, TA Luft, WRAS, PZH
Max. peak temperature °C 400 Max. constant temperature °C 250 (steam 200) Typical parameters of 2 mm thick samples Max. pressure bar 100 Density g/cm³ 1,9 Compressibility % 7 Flexible return % 50 Residual stress (16h/175°C) ≈ MPa 30 Specific amount of leakage λ2,0 ≈ mg/(m.s) 0,06 Liquid resistance – thickness increment: Oil IRM 903 (5h/150°C) % 3 ASTM liquid B (5h/23°C) % 5
- Panel dimensions: 1.5 x 1.5 m / 1.5 x 1.0 m / 1.5 x 3.0 m
- Other dimensions are available on request.
- Dimension tolerance ± 2 %.
- Standard thicknesses: 0.4 – 6.4 mm with metal mesh reinforcement: 0.8 – 6.4 mm
- Thickness tolerance 0.4 – 0.8 ± 0.1 mm / 1.0 – 6.4 ± 10 %.
- Surface finish: All panels are manufactured with antistatic surface on one side