Ceramic fibre boards

Asbestos-free thermal insulation board based on ceramic and stone fibres and binder-bonded fillers, with a temperature resistance of 850, 1100 oC, 1250 oC. Used as an electrical insulator. Very easy to cut, punch, machine and shape wet (smaller thicknesses).
This board is commonly used in the energy, metallurgy, and ceramics industries.
- resistance to thermal shock,
- low thermal conductivity,
- good chemical resistance,
- easy to process mechanically.
Board Pro-850 Board Pro-1100 Board Pro-1250 Board PRO-1400 Maximum working temperature °C 850 1100 1250 1430 Density kg/m3 900-1000 910 Maximum ignition loss % 25 25 25 25 Maximum surface shrinkage % 3 3 3 3 Thermal transmittance at 400 °C W/mK 0,17 0,16 0,15 0,14 800 °C W/mK 0,21 0,19 0,18 0,18 Organic content % 5 10 5 5 Tensile strength along fibres kg/cm3 35 32 35 35 across fibres 15 26 15 15 Compressibility at 70 kg/cm3 % 15-20 8 – 12 15 – 20 15-20 Elastic recovery % 25 23 13,3 13 Dielectric constant 20,2 0,55 0,55 Dielectric loss factor 0,49 13500 13500 Cross-insulation resistance MΩ/cm 9900 13000 13000 Breakdown voltage V/cm 14000 pH 7 7 7 7 Resistance to tearing MPa 3 3 3 3 Thermal conductivity at 800°C W/mK 0,13 0,13 0,13 0,13
Pallet/cardboard box
Size (mm) Thickness (mm) Packages 1000 x 1000 2 +/- 0,2 500/20 1000 x 1000 3 +/- 0,3 350/14 1000 x 1000 4 +/- 0,4 250/10 1000 x 1000 5 +/- 0,5 200/8 1000 x 1000 6 +/- 0,6 170/7 1000 x 1000 8 +/- 0,7 130/5 1000 x 1000 10 +/- 0,8 100/4 1000 x 1000 12 +/- 1,0 80/3