Bulk Pro-1600

Polycrystalline fibres are made from high purity aluminium. A special extrusion process provides the highest degree of chemical purity and the lowest level of defibering. The processing of the fibres ensures that they are extremely resistant to shrinkage and chemicals at high temperatures, while maintaining high flexibility and resilience. Bulk Pro 1600 are designed for temperatures up to 1600 °C.
- High temperature stability (up to 1600 °C)
- Low thermal conductivity
- Resistance to thermal shock
- High purity and low silica content provides chemical resistance
- Easy to recycle
- Insoluble in water
- Wet moulding of panels, shapes and papers
- Expansion joint sealant
- Loose insulation filling of cavities
- Textile production
- Reinforcement for cements and mortars
Chemical composition (% of fibre weight) AI2O3 95 – 97 SiO2 3 – 5 other < 0,5 Physical properties Colour white Service temperature (°C) 1600 Melting point (°C) >2000 Average fibre diameter (microns) 3 – 4 Density (g/cm3) 3,3 – 3,5 Persistent linear shrinkage (%) 6 hours soak 1500 <2
The fibres are packed in 5 kg bags.